Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Day 3

Considering the problems i have at the end of yesterday with the design brief, today went really well.

All the issues i was having the day before completely disappeared I produced 4 different layout designs. Feed back from laura was great and she then passed them on to Lisa the account director. Laura gave them a couple of minor tweaks and they're going to be presented to the client next week! even if Commerical doesn't like them, which knowing there track record is expected, I'm really proud that my first attempt at professional design has made it so far!

Next I went back to the advertising side of things with a brief for a new company called They're a new company that provide 'a posh takeaway'. The idea is you order meals directly from a local chef via the internet and they arrive at your home with the meals fully prepared and serve to you at your table. Origanly the service was developed was for the business side of things but they have decided to also include a domestic service as well.

I spent the last couple of hours of the day brainstorming and coming up with inital concepts.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Day 2

I started off the day by using the work I'd done the previous day and converting it for use with the in house email marketing soft ware call MI|emailer. 

{inset images}

I also added additions 'buttons' to the layout to give the receiver a wider choice of links.

To convert the photoshop files into interactive emails i used the slice tool. Then exported all the separate components into a html format.

once i'd completed the Three Sector Match brief I moved on to helping out Laura the in house graphic designer. She was currently working on a project for the company Commercial. Laura described commercial as the most 'awkward client ever' and she told me how they were very blunt if they didn't like work - so not too much pressure! 
She asked me to play about with some layout design for some case-study sheets that would be used at exhibitions ect. 

I was also introduced to Lorem Ipsum.  Its whats designers use as dummy copy, seems as copy isnt my strong point i can see myself using this website alot in the future!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vitae felis libero, tincidunt euismod magna. Aenean pretium mattis leo, quis.

Not having specifically studied design i had a few teething problem then before i knew it was 5.30, time to go home

Monday, 29 March 2010

Day 1

First day, in short went well, a few surprises but wasn't particularly challenging.

The department was small but has a great atmosphere, it was very obviously a space for creatives. As well as myself in there were also three other students there for work experience; a graphics student from cardiff University and two advertising students off my own course. Seeing familiar faces made the first day experience alot easier but I do feel slightly disappointed in the way that i feel i'm just another work experience kid not a temporary member of staff to the agency. I guess I'll just have to work twice as hard to stand out.

As soon as Rodger (the creative director) came into the office we were immediately given an email marketing brief for Three Sector Match; a local company that helps local community projects out by matching them up with companies who have the skills required. The scheme is completely voluntary. 

I quite like my work, but its certainly not the best I can do. I think this is because I'm out of my comfort zone.