Wednesday 28 April 2010

day 7


Day 6

Today I worked on an identity project for Kitchen Matters another Kitchen Designer. The in house team had already started work and decided that creating a logo with 'KM' being the main emphasis. Although I have touched on logo design in my self-promotion project, I found the task much more difficult that i had expected.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Day 5

Today I started off by making some amendments to the Kitchen Ect work I'd being working on the previous week. The concept were pretty much finalized so it didn't take to long as i was only inserting logos and adjusting layout.

Roger had noticed I'm pretty good when it comes to using photoshop software so he handed me over to laura who has some image editing and resizing for me to do. They were fairly simple tasks that were more technical than creative but I was more than happy to do them as I knew laura had a lot of deadlines approaching. My first job for laura was to condense web banners to fit the correct dimensions for a website that was currently being worked on for a company called IRS.

As laura was only working a half day she left me with the responsibility of going through her emails and doing all the small jobs Lisa had emailed her to do.

The next job was to buy some images off, once again a simple task but it meant i was trusted with the company user name and password in order to buy the images.

I then had resize and edit landscape images into portrait banners for a client called Morgan Carbon. The first image was very straight forward, it only involved cropping and expanding block colour.

The second image involved alot of editing. The text needed removing and the image had to include all 5 of the brothers in the portrait format. To make this possible i edited the image so that the brothers appeared closer together. I fairly simple but timely process.

I then returned to working on the IRS website creating icons in photoshop

Thursday 1 April 2010

Day 4

Today i got straight into drawing up scamps for the brief. I then presented them to rodger; a couple of them got put to the side but there were 2 particular concept he felt were really strong and asked me to develop one a bit further for the business side of things.


The next brief was also for a new company called kitchens ect based in Cardiff. They're an up-market contemporary kitchen designer with the USP that they will not only design the kitchen but if required structurally re-design the entire room to create the vision. 

An idea came to me straight away, but i wasn't able to scamp it effectively so i jumped straight into digitally visualizing it on the mac.


I then hit a bit of a creative wall...nothing was coming to mind. Eventually I admitted defeat and presented the single concept to Rodger. The phrase 'quality not quantity' came to mind after Rodger's feedback and i wish i hadn't wasted and hour trying to force more concepts when my inital idea was so well received. 
We had a quick look through my scribbles and rodger picked up on 'Design without limitations' and 'the skys the limit' which I had scrawled down during my block and together we came up with a second concept.